Calamansi Jive

Tina Ranoso Bangel

There is always something so playful about calamansi.

We moved to the western suburbs of Marayong after a year of living in an apartment in Glebe, Sydney, Australia.

It meant a house, a big front yard and a huge backyard with the Hills hoist clothes line which I would spend many afternoons swinging on.

My neighbourhood friends and I would take turns hanging on the line as the other half would spin the clothes line around.

I'd spin by the window, past the hose, past my mum's geranium plants and with another hefty push I'd fly by the plum tree, mandarin tree and the calamansi tree.

The calamansi tree was abundant. I would pick the fruit off the tree and the smell...

oh the smell...

one of my favourite smells of all time, so fresh and citrusy.

I remember the very first time my mum made me calamansi juice. It was a hot summer's day. She carefully cut the fruit in half, squeezed the juice into a glass, added the cold water and sugar to taste.

Of course that first taste test was always so sour.

Naturally my face would turn from an excited face to a maasim face.

It was delicious once you got the balance just right. Tart, citrusy, sweet, tangy and refreshing.

I introduced calamansi juice to my son at the age of six years old after we received a bunch of fruit from my auntie. I couldn't wait for him to experience his first calamansi juice.

Of course the whole process was something I would document. Why? Because the face says it all!

So I decided it might be a great idea to write a children's song about the whole process of making calamansi juice... This original song is called The Calamansi Jive Song. I hope you sing it while you make your calamansi juice with your kids! Scan the code to hear the Calamansi Jive song.

Tina Ranoso Bangel is an award winning vocal coach, author of the children's book My Lola and founder of One Voice School of Singing. Tina has been a backing vocalist for many international stars. She lives in Sydney with her son, husband and their little mini foxie.